Registration opens for 2018 PSA World Conference

Leaders, speechwriters, rhetoric scholars and exec comms pros convene to get more, and give more.

Proud to open registration for the 2018 World Conference of the Professional Speechwriters Association, to be hosted at Georgetown Universityโ€™s McDonough School of Business, Oct. 22-24.

โ€œFor speechwriters: the moment for more,โ€ is the theme of the 5th annual event, which features former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper in conversation with his speechwriter and book collaborator Trey Brown โ€ฆ New York Times CEO Mark Thompson in conversation with the Atlanticโ€™s James Fallows โ€ฆ a provocationย by legendary speaking coach Patricia Fripp โ€ฆ all kicked off by a bracing keynote speech by Tony Blairโ€™s speechwriter Phillip Collins.

But mostly, the conference will be speechwriters showing speechwriters how to get more, and give moreโ€”take more responsibility, make more contributions and reap more rewards from the difficult and dangerous work they do.

Have a look at the program, take note of the generous early bird discount, and register right away.

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