Leadership Communication Confidential
February 10, 2025
Sincerely seeking true experiences from professional speechwriters and other exec comms folks contending with fallout from the Trump administration.
Dear Executive Communicator,
Three weeks into the new administration, my newsfeed has never been louder, and my professional correspondence has never been quieter. For someone who has been close to hundreds, to thousands of communication pros for three decades, this is beyond eerie.
What is going on with you at work? What kinds of conversations are you (and aren’t you) having with your leaders, with your colleagues … with yourself? What are you seeing, what are you doing, what are you feeling?
Please consider this brief post a sincere invitation to share your reality with me, whatever it is.
Like you, I and my colleagues at ProRhetoric.com want to be as constructively helpful as we can be in this moment. We found many ways to do that five years ago during COVID (and George Floyd and January 6).
This time is trickier, but we intend to be useful now, too. We need help to understand how.
And our first-best idea is to try to hear candid thoughts from you to understand what it is like to be you these days. Please email me at [email protected]—right now, or any time you like. If you write, please specify whether you want your thoughts published here for attribution, without attribution or not at all. I will honor any such request.
Thank you,
David Murray, CEO