Are you ready for some rhetoric? Geek it up with us for SOTU tonight!
January 25, 2011
UPDATE: Quite a party at my personal blog last night, and on the Gotham Ghostwriters Twitter feed. In case you missed it, here’s what the State of the Union looked and sounded like to all of us.
If all the world were speechwriters, the Super Bowl would be on a Tuesday night and the State of the Union Address would be on a Sunday afternoon.
But no matter, tonight promises to be a hell of a game. There’s the weird aisle-crossing “date night” drama, there’s Obama’s attempt to rhetorically “pivot” from solving problems toward cashing in on opportunities and there’s the Tea Party’s planned response-to-the-Republican-response. (Overtime!)
And most importantly—get this!—the White House is saying that this year won’t be the annual “laundry list” of program proposals, but rather will be a single argument. Which would be the equivalent in convention-busting to the Steelers and the Packers playing the big game barefoot, in sun dresses.
I’ll be watching, and live blogging—not here at VSOTD, where I have a reputation to uphold—but at my personal blog Writing Boots, where a little drinking is permitted. Join us tonight, 7:00-ish Eastern, and post your observations in the comments section.
I’ll also be checking in with many of our fellow scribes who will be yakking at Gotham Ghostwriters Live Tweetchat, and you should too. You go here to find and follow the yak, and use the hashtag #GGSOTU to have your own comments appear in the stream. (The general hashtag #SOTU gets your comments out into the vastness of the Twitter-verse.
See you tonight, my friends. I’ve got plenty to eat and drink. You just bring yourselves.