Two jobs for speechwriters
October 22, 2015
Silicon Valley company and Assistant Secretary need your help.
San Jose, Calif.-based Brocade seeks an executive communications manager to “create and manage the company’s executive communications and thought leadership efforts; align corporate and executive-level key messages for keynote presentations, customer briefings, and other executive events; identify thought leadership topics in which Brocade has credibility; and create and implement integrated campaigns; and translate complex, highly technical messages into compelling ‘stories’ for use in presentations, social media platforms and other deliverables.” (H/T to Dana Rubin of the New York Speechwriters Roundtable.)
Veteran D.C. scribe Desson Thompson hopes to find a replacement for himself, as speechwriter for the Assistant Secretary of Economic and Business Affairs Charles H. Rivkin. Thompson, who is joining the Department of Commerce as speechwriter to Secretary Penny Pritzker, says working for Rivkin would be “a great job for anyone who has experience in writing for U.S. foreign policy but also has an appetite and talent for human stories to help illustrate otherwise dry policy.” Email Thompson [email protected]