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May 29, 2019
June 30 is the deadline to receive an early-bird discount for the 2019 World Conference of the Professional Speechwriters Association.
Storytelling. Authority. Authenticity.
It seems these have passed for “trends” in speechwriting and executive communication for almost as long as ethos, pathos and logos.
But populism, post-truthism and #metoo are turning yesterday’s best practices into today’s borderline bromides.
Even in our relatively timeless trade, it’s time look askance at our sacred cows and try some new techniques.
At the 2019 World Conference of the Professional Speechwriters Association, you will be challenged, by people within and without our profession:
- Instead of telling a story, “make a scene.” One of the world’s top homiletics scholars advocates a next-gen speechwriting tactic that’s rooted in an ancient concept.
- Stop mansplaining the principles of oral persuasion. Let’s learn from the great women orators in history, and the viral voices of today.
- If you think leadership communication can’t be quantified, you’re wrong. And here’s proof.
- If you think you’re using social media optimally, you’re wrong. Here’s how to win, on LinkedIn.
- From dull visual aids to dramatic data visualization—it’s time to make the leap.
- Do you call your speeches provocative, well-structured, and to-the-point? Think again, and again, and again.
- Speeches: Comically inefficient but culturally indispensable—for one remaining reason that should drive every speechwriting project.
This conference will give you new ideas, refine your approach and teach you how to rethink time-tested techniques for a changing public conversation.
Hosted by the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University, sponsored by Gotham Ghostwriters and S3 Strategic Speaker Services, convened by the PSA and emceed by Vital Speeches of the Day editor and publisher David Murray, the annual World Conference is the place where speechwriters and executive communication professionals gather annually to exchange ideas, solve problems and build relationships.
And push one another to get better.
Register before the June 30 early-bird deadline, and save hundreds on the registration price.