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New website is important step in Vital Speeches' evolution from magazine to community.

Vital Speeches has launched a new website as an important step in our gradual evolution from venerable magazine to vital community of speechwriters, communicators and rhetoric nuts around the world.

It's not, but I think you’ll agree is vastly more attractive than the old site. And pretty on the inside too. It will let us bring you news and ideas more freely and more frequently, making a place worthy of checking every morning as an essential part of any professional procrastin—er, work-readiness routine.

The website also heralds two important new offerings by Vital Speeches: a searchable archive of our speeches going back to Volume 1, Issue 1 in 1934 … and the ability to (finally) join a Professional Speechwriters Association. You’ll hear more about the PSA in the months to come as its offerings and discounts accrue. But if you’d like to get in on the ground floor and have a voice in the new organization—by all means, sign up.

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