Jobs: Two for you
November 08, 2016
McDonald's and the Federal Reserve of San Francisco are looking to hire exec comms pros.
McDonald's is looking for a director of executive communications to help top execs "lead the company in a massive transformation of its business." McDonald's seeks "a professional capable of developing and channeling the voice of CEO, Steve Easterbrook and other leaders as they lead the company in a massive transformation of its business. The role reports to the Senior Director, Internal Communications, will manage one additional professional and will work closely both with Steve and with Robert Gibbs, the Chief Communications and Government Relation Officer." Contact headhunter Michael Patino at Patino Associates: [email protected]
The Federal Reserve of San Francisco is looking for a senior speechwriter, mainly for the CEO. "This is a unique and intellectually stimulating opportunity, working with executives who appreciate good communications and understand the need for best-in-class writing.” If interested contact Sarah Nash: [email protected] or 212-551-0546.
Thanks as always to Dana Rubin of the New York Speechwriters Roundtable for keeping us apprised of job opportunities for speechwriters.