How to “after-market” a speech

Recently I gave a โ€œspeech on speechwritingโ€ to the Columbia Club of Indianapolis. It was well-received (attendees filled out speech evaluation sheets).

Now Iโ€™m working on leveraging the speech to additional audiences, hoping it will generate new speechwriting assignments.

Hereโ€™s what Iโ€™ve done/am doing:

1. I posted a blog about the event with a link to the speech on my Web site,

2. I posted the same blog to my Speechwritersโ€™ Blog on the IABC (International Association of Business Communicators) Web site (

3. My blog with the speech link was picked up and featured on Andrew dluganโ€™s Web publication, โ€œSix Minutes: Public Speaking and Presentationsโ€ (

4. I sent the speech to Vital Speeches of the Day, asking David Murray to consider publishing it in this periodical.

5. I sent the speech to several communications contacts I have at companies from which Iโ€™ve been trying to secure initial assignments.
6. Iโ€™m working on getting e-mail addresses for all the Columbia Club Business Network members who were not at the luncheon at which I gave my speech so I can send it to them.

7. Finally, Iโ€™ve thought that my โ€œspeech on speechwritingโ€ could be given to other groupsโ€”the local chapters of PRSA, IABC, the American Marketing Association and the National Organization of Women in Business, for example. Iโ€™ll contact these and other groups which might offer appropriate speaking opportunities for me.

What else should I be doing? How else can I after-market this talk? Iโ€™d love to hear your ideas. What would you do?

Cynthia Starks is a freelance speechwriter based in Central Indiana. She may b reached through her blog, at

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