Foremost forums: July is not a nothing month

Lots of events taking place, lots of conference planners scanning for speakers.

By Terry Catchpole, Executive Chairman of the Catchpole Corporation executive visibility strategy consultancy. Visit

All you need to know about July is that it is named in honor of Roman general Julius Caesar, that it was previously known as Quintilis, that it includes the American Independence Day and French Bastille Day, and that it is freezing cold down in the Southern Hemisphere. That and the fact that it is also the month in which the following terrific events take place.

Foremost forums upcoming

International Economic Forum of the Americas (IEFA) Toronto Global Forum (July 8 – 10; Toronto).  Forum aims to present "opportunities for business synergies aimed at long term partnerships in the context of changing dynamics in the global economy."  Representative topics include: Financial services and the digital frontier – embracing mobility; competitive urban economies – tomorrow's drivers of growth; rethinking financial literacy – the global rise of first time consumers; and entering a manufacturing renaissance – towards a new era of productivity.  2015 theme: "Creating Opportunities in a Connected World."

Multicultural Women's National Conference (July 16 – 17; New York).  Event focuses on "some of the most important issues in the workplace for multicultural women." Conference themes center around advancing women of varying cultural backgrounds in the workplace and include how to compete and collaborate at the senior executive level; developing mentoring and sponsoring relationships; and being an influencer with or without authority.  2015 theme is "Mindset Matters – Igniting Potential. Driving Excellence."

PanIIT (Indian Institutes of Technology) Global Leadership Conference (July 24 – 25; Santa Clara).  Conference aims to bring together "the best minds, both [IIT alumni] and non-[IIT alumni], to present technologies, success stories, and how to make an impact in this highly connected world."  Representative topics include: Future of higher education in India; technology outlook in the energy industry; and being at the confluence of conscience, creativity, and courage.

National Urban League Annual Conference (July 29 – August 1; Fort Lauderdale).  Event aims to address "the most critical issues confronting African Americans and urban communities and to strategize about empowering solutions."  Representative topics include: Building education partnerships – support, achievement and opportunity; pathways to success – changing the lives of imprisoned youth through jobs and justice; and essential health habits for living longer.

Noteworthy conferences beginning agenda planning this month

Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship will begin developing the agenda for its International Corporate Citizenship Conference scheduled for March 20 – 22, 2016 in Atlanta.  Event aims to help CSR professionals "become better at what you do," through focus on fundamental management issues and best practices, as well as unique challenges in managing corporate citizenship in companies worldwide.  Representative topics include: How can corporate citizenship accelerate the growth of new business opportunities?; and how can the value of corporate citizenship be measured and communicated?

Columbia Business School will begin agenda development for its Social Enterprise Conference taking place September 25, 2015 in New York.  Conference aims to "[bring] together industry leaders, professionals, academics, students and alumni to share innovative ideas, best practices, and leading examples surrounding the intersection of business and society."  Representative topics include: Private equity for social impact; consulting for social impact; cultivating effective NGO-business partnerships; and the next generation of renewable technologies.

IESE Business School will start developing the agenda for its Doing Good and Doing Well Conference (DGDW) being held February 26 – 27, 2016 in Barcelona.  Event has an emphasis on "major opportunities and challenges faced by responsible businesses and organizations;" how they can develop effective new strategies and business models; and the facilitation of partnerships between industry professionals and business school graduate students. Representative topics include: Social and economic development; energy and the environment; responsible finance; healthcare; sustainability; social entrepreneurship; and corporate social responsibility.

TBLI Group will begin solidifying the agenda for its TBLI Conference Europe scheduled for November 19 – 20, 2015 in Zurich.  Conference aims to bring together asset owners and asset managers for education and networking around sustainable investment issues. Representative topics include: Integrated reporting in Europe; integrating ESG into portfolios; how hedging can be ESG-compatible; fund performance and structure; post-Fukushima – alternative energy in Europe; and low carbon investment.

US Chamber of Commerce Foundation Corporate Citizenship Center (CCC) will begin agenda solidification for its Corporate Citizenship Conference taking place October 5 – 7, 2015 in Washington, DC.  Event examines social and economic issues arising as a result of emerging market development and then examines the various strategic roles that businesses can play in the communities in which they operate.  Sessions cover big picture approaches to global topics as well as hands-on/how-to sessions on what practical actions companies can take in more effectively managing their corporate presence in emerging market countries.  2015 theme: "Connect the Dots – How Businesses Solves Global Challenges Locally."

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