Facebook wants speechwriter to “challenge us to be better”

Synergy Enterprises is hiring, too.

Facebook needs an executive communications manager, speechwriter to“help the company’s leaders communicate with external and internal audiences, provide strategic and tactical communications advice, and wrestle with some of biggest issues we face. It’s a unique opportunity to help us navigate some tough challenges—and make the case for the good technology does in the world. We want someone who can come up with thought-provoking ideas, turn beautiful copy on tight deadlines, and challenge us to be better.”

Synergy Enterprises, Inc., is seeking a speech and science writer for its Silver Spring, Md., headquarters and a client site in Bethesda. Role description: “Write speeches and develop associated presentation materials for high-profile representatives of a federal biomedical organization; prepare talking points for media interviews for television, radio, print, internet, and other media; develop and manage process for scheduling events and speech development protocols. Ability to work and problem solve in a high-stress, time-sensitive environment.” Contact [email protected] for additional info.

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