“An Effort to Understand” isn’t my book, it’s our book; and I need your help

Timed for the 2020 election, an attempt to share all the wisdom Iโ€™ve gathered in three decades surrounded by professional communicators.

I need your help, with our book.

I’ve written a book called An Effort to Understand (you might recognize that line from Robert Kennedy’s Indianapolis speech after the assassination of Martin Luther King).

Timed for the tumultuous months leading up to our next presidential election, the collection of short essays is aimed at Americans who are looking, in our fractured nation, for ways to “hear more clearly and speak more truly to rebuild relationships in your family, your workplace, your community and your society.”

I need your help, because the book is under contract with Publishizer, the ascendant “crowdfunding literary agency” that identifies authors from obscure but rich communities like ours. Publishizer uses pre-orders to demonstrate to publishers that its authors have enthusiastic readerships.

As I say in the video on Publishizer: This isn’t my book, it is ourbook—an attempt to share all the wisdom I’ve gathered in three decades surrounded by professional communicators.

So if you think you would like to read An Effort to Understandwhen it’s published, I hope you’ll pre-order one or more copies now, using the Publishizer proposal page.

I’d be grateful—and I think you’ll be glad.

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