
Whitepapers & Studies

In-depth information on speechwriting and leadership communication, from the Professional Speechwriters Association.

Previously published by the PSA

The State of Speechwriting 2023: An Executive Summary 

Exec Comms Pros Share How They’re Doing (and How They’re Feeling About Their Work)

Writers of the Lost Art: “Rhetorical Perspective,” and the Future of Speechwriting

The Executive Communication Standard – What You Need to Know

Speechwriting, FAQ

Back to the Future, in Professional Speechwriting

What Is “An Effort to Understand”?

Speechwriting and 2020

Executive Communications is Different

Speechwriting and Coronavirus

Internal Exec Comms: The Case for Your Embrace

A Provocation from the Pulpit: Dead Preachers Challenge Living Speechwriters

How to Write a Great Commencement Speech (And Why You Must)

Speechwriter to Executive Communication Manager, in 10 Strategic Steps

One Step at a Time: A Practical Process for Writing Any Speech

The Venerable Venues Keep Up with the Times: A Benchmarking Report

An Eclectic Philosophy, by ECC Founder & Executive Director David Murray

The Trust Deficit: What Speechwriters Need to Know Now

Leadership Communication and Speechwriting in the Age of Social Media

What is a Speechwriter?

Available Training

Professional Speechwriters Association

The Professional Speechwriters Association’s

Professional Development Academy


Professional Speechwriters Association

The Professional Speechwriters Association’s

Custom Workshops

Our trainers come to you.


Custom Workshops

Our trainers come to you.


Below are some useful links for speechwriters. Additional resources available for members under My Account.