What would make a historian lie?

Garrison Keillor writes about the apparent whoppers told by late historian Stephen Ambrose. Ambrose claimed he spent hundreds of hours interviewing Dwight Eisenhower, while Eisenhowerโ€™s records say maybe five hours.

Keillor muses about what would motivate Ambrose to lie like that; his personal experience suggests itโ€™s resentment:

Plenty of people have said nice things to me over the years that I vaguely remember, but I remember with stunning clarity where I was sitting in algebra class when my classmate Cliff Nordstrom reached over and put his thumb and forefinger around my wrist and told me that I had skinny arms “like a girl’s.” The moment burns in my memory 52 years later, a permanent wound in my life.

Ditto, a dozen other small slights. A review of a book of mine, mostly favorable, but one sentence was like a shiv between the ribs, and that is the sentence I remember.

It’s resentment, I think, that lights a fire of ambition in our tails and drives us to beat our wings on the porch screen, hoping to reach the incandescent glow of fame and fortune.

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