Let’s mull the lull

Is your internal exec comms falling off a little lately? Or is it falling off the table? Into our fifth month of publishing our daily Executive Communication: Coronavirus newsletter, we still have …

The first year of your new career

Last Friday the Professional Speechwriters Association and the Executive Communication Council held our first full-on virtual conference. In my keynote remarks, I suggested that this isn’t the most crucial time …

Speechwriter, repent

When you run a professional association, you like to believe you’re doing good in the world. And that the industry you represent contributes to the health of humanity. And that …

Speechwriter, Spiel Thyself

For almost 30 years, I’ve made some part of my living convening professional speechwriters or covering their silent struggles. If there’s been one prevailing sentiment among speechwriters across all that …

Leadership from Atlanta

Political eulogies rethicken and refasten community ties frayed by the untimely deaths of its people.  We have no eulogies yet for the victims of COVID19. The socially distanced funeral for …