She’s a ghost no more
May 16, 2018
"Scary at first": Why longtime corporate speechwriter Caroline Neuenfeld began blogging under her own byline.
Do you ever think about expanding your role?
Deutsche Telekom executive communicaton senior expert Caroline Neuenfeld has expanded hers, by blogging under her own byline as part of the company’s social media effort. I asked her why.
“Because in our fascinating industry, so many inspiring and thought-provoking things happen that I want to write about. Like what? About ethical aspects of technology, tech’s political dimension, corporate topics. Just about anything that interests me. Speechwriting is still my big love, but social media is where today most people look for information and opinions. So after operating a corporate Twitter channel for some time—and finding it surprisingly rewarding—I decided to go with the flow and to also start to blog. Scary at first, because I put my name out front which I am not used to as a long-term ghostwriter, but I guess that’s part of one’s evolution as a writer.”
See a sampling of Caroline’s work, including her latest post, “In corporate we trust.”