For proactive pros only: Upcoming dates and deadlines for leadership forums

Ahhhhโ€ฆ.June is here at last, the month when summer officially begins and the conference gardens are in ebullient bloom with the lovely flora described below.

Foremost forums upcoming in June

โ€ข Corporate Eco Forum Annual Meeting (June 5 – 7; Washington, DC). Event aims to bring together senior business leaders from across business functions “to synthesize the most important actionable, best-practice insights on eco-strategy execution and green ROI.” 2011 conference theme: โ€œDefining Next Practice in Corporate Sustainability.โ€

โ€ข World Innovation Forum (June 7 – 8; New York). Forum is self-described as focusing on how “innovation paves the way to increased profitability, business solutions, and growth.” Program addresses such topics as why innovations never follow a straight line; the climate challenge to effective corporate innovation; and strategic best practices for moving from ideas to execution.

โ€ข Conference Board Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability Conference (June 9 – 10; Washington, DC). Program focuses on best practices for “solving the world’s toughest problems” through corporate citizenship and sustainability programs, and addresses topics such as green jobs; public/private partnerships; global warming; and energy efficiency. The theme for 2011: โ€œThe Nexus of Business Ethics and Social Responsibility.โ€ Read more.

โ€ข USA India Business Summit (June 21 – 22; Atlanta). Event brings together “industry, academia and government, from USA, India and around the world” to focus on the opportunities available through the developing relationship between the US and India. Program addresses such topics as private equity and investment banking; HR and manpower development; and real estate and infrastructure. Read more.

โ€ข Aspen Institute Ideas Festival (June 27 – July 3; Aspen). Event is designed to address trends in politics, culture, science, theology, and academia, with a mission to focus on “restorative reflection on the meaning of the good life, leadership, and sound public policy based on nonpartisan principles and timeless ideas.” The theme of the 2011 event is: โ€œEngaging Ideas that Matter.โ€

โ€ข Tallberg Forum (June 29 – July 3; Sigtuna, Sweden). Event is self-described as “an innovative global forum characterized by an atmosphere of openness, honesty, warmth, and creativity…[and] is viewed as a natural extension of a highly respected Swedish tradition of internationalism, progress, intellectual curiosity, mediation, and sustainability.” Discussions generally focus on “the challenges and opportunities that stem from global interdependence.”

Noteworthy conferences beginning agenda planning this month

โ€ข Illinois Institute of Technology has issued a call for papers for its Business Innovation Conference, scheduled for October 10 – 12 in Wheaton, with a proposal submission deadline of June 30. Conference is self-described as “a premier educational and networking event bringing together leading innovation experts and practitioners from business, academia and government to exchange experiences and explore and learn the science of innovation.” Event aims to help attendees “raise [their] understanding of the innovation process and tools to the next level; discover how to sustain profitable growth and innovate more efficiently; [and] learn to master innovation to become a continual thinker, capable of innovating on demand for mass customization.”

โ€ข Opportunity Green has issued a call for speakers for its Opportunity Green Business Conference taking place November 10 – 11 in Los Angeles. Deadline for proposal submissions is June 30, 2011. Event aims to “inspire a collaborative culture of new thinking and unconventional ideas that pushes change in unexpected ways” specifically by generating ideas to “develop and implement sustainable business solutions.” Topic areas of focus for the 2011 agenda include: product development; design; technology; communications and marketing; media and entertainment; co-creation and strategic alliances; mobility; and sustainable cities.

โ€ข Edgell Communications will begin solidifying the agenda for its Consumer Goods Growth and Innovation Forum, being held September 21 – 23 in Miami. Organizers plan to have agenda completed by July 1, 2011. Program focuses on how consumer goods executives and analysts can drive innovation and spark creativity. Theme of the 2011 event is: “Creating Consumer Value: Acting on Insights with Innovation.”

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