A Communicators’ Petition
February 15, 2017
The International Association of Business Communicators issues a pointed petition for the first time in its mild-mannered history.
In recent weeks three major public relations associations—the Public Relations Society of America, the Canadian Public Relations Society and the International Association of Business Communicators—have taken pointed stands in defense of their codes of ethics in the context of the media relations practices of the Trump administration.
Last week, IABC took the further step of starting a petition—the first in the history of the association, going back to its founding in 1938 as the American Association of Industrial Editors—to give members and nonmembers a way to “Show Your Commitment to Ethical Communication.”
Why? One signator commented that truth and facts “are the fundamentals of our trade, and without them, we have no merit."
At this writing 854 communicators have signed, including this one. —DM