The Video CEO: Make the Boss Comfortable, Compelling and Compassionate on Screen

A train-the-trainer session for exec comms pros who want to help their CEOs communicate onscreen as compellingly as they do in person.


Helio Fred Garcia

Now that the circumstances of coronavirus have put all your stakeholders on the other side of a camera at a moment that calls for great leadership communication, your principal has no choice but to use video—and to learn to use it well.

In this train-the-trainer session, legendary leadership communication coach Helio Fred Garcia is going to show you how to help.

You will learn:

  • Camera distortion is real: How to use it to your executive’s advantage—and how to eliminate ways in which it works to your disadvantage.
  • Script versus bullet points, paper versus teleprompter: How to control the content without stifling the style.
  • The arms move and the communication follows biomechanical consequences of upper body-language.
  • Physical fluidity: How to help your speaker seem neither rigid and stiff, nor frantic and frenzied.
  • Voice control: Natural methods to connect the speaker emotionally with the words she or he is saying.
  • How to accentuate your speaker’s strengths and minimize his or her weaknesses.

And then ask Fred anything—from tech questions to how to handle your speaker’s pecadillos so you can learn to build on strengths and work around weaknesses.

There’s nothing more important right now than helping your speaker get better at video—and no one better to teach you how.

INSTRUCTOR: Helio Fred Garcia has given leadership communication coaching to more than 400 CEOs of major corporations, plus thousands of other high-profile people in various fields. Fred teaches about management and leadership at New York University and at Columbia University. He’s the author of the classic book, The Agony of Decision: Mental Readiness and Leadership in a Crisis. His latest book is Words on Fire: The Power of Incendiary Language and How to Confront It. He’s the founder of the Logos Consulting Group.



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Format: This is a 90-minute webinar.