Military Speechwriting Training Online

A crash course for newly assigned military speechwriters; a skill-building session for more experienced speechwriters.


Rosemary King

Sue Ross

David Murray

Editor & Publisher, Vital Speeches of the Day

You’re tasked—with little or no training—to write speeches for someone whose pay grade is well above yours.

This four-part course will get you up to speed immediately, as it has for many military speechwriters before you.

Your new toolbox will include:

  • Hitting the Target—Learning to triangulate the audience, purpose & message of every speech you write.
  • Mastering the Intro, Body, & Conclusion—Hooking your audience from the get-go, marshaling a persuasive argument, and wrapping up with a powerful call to action.
  • Storytelling—Understanding the science behind the story (hint: mirror neurons) and how your boss can tell them in a way that will stick.
  • Making the Boss Look Good—Learning how to be an effective coach, advisor, and staffer, plus how to make the best use of scarce time with busy people.
  • Other Ghostwriting Assignments: How to knock it out of the park with command emails, letters and awards, Congressional testimony, op-eds, press release quotes, video scripts, and bullet points.

INSTRUCTORS: Rosemary King, Ph.D., is a sought-after leadership communication consultant. She served as a speechwriter for Defense Secretary Robert Gates and two chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard Myers and General Peter Pace. Sue Ross led the speechwriting team at the Pentagon for General Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. She owns Sierra Consulting, providing speechwriting and communications consulting to corporate, government, and nonprofit clients. David Murray is executive director of the Professional Speechwriters Association, and editor & publisher of Vital Speeches of the Day, which publishes the most important speeches in the world.


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Format: This in-depth seminar includes four videos with more than 5 hours of content.

Video DetailsLength
Session 1 1:31
Session 21:26
Session 3 1:31
Session 41:14