About Our Members
Institutions of higher learning are at the crossroads—and often in the crossfire—of many social, cultural and political arguments.
As a result, leading a college or university now is vastly more complex and fraught than it’s ever been—and so is higher-ed leadership communication.
Just as smart college presidents benefit from regular, candid, searching conversation with their peers, so the people who help them find their voice.
That’s why the top leadership communication professionals at these schools founded the Higher Education Leadership Communication Council. We speak the same language, recognize each other’s problems, and happily share wisdom, strategies and inspiration from the frontlines of higher ed.
As you’ll see when you read our charter, we strive to define, model and celebrate the highest standards in leadership communication, in ongoing collaboration with one another.
Ultimately, by elevating how this work is done, we aim to improve how leaders lead, and to change the way colleges and universities relate to the society they exist to serve.
Do you share our ambition? Do your leaders?
If so—let’s talk.
Jim Reische
Chief Communications Officer, Williams College
Founding Member, Higher Education Leadership Communication Council
David Murray
Executive Director, Higher Education Leadership Communication Council
[email protected]