Rescue and recovery

The new guy has begun his job. Biden’s two speeches late last week had no frills, no flourishes, no surprises (as in departures from his published campaign plans), and, most …

The best speech of the night

Speeches by Nikki Haley, Donald Trump Jr., and Tim Scott August 24, 2020. Republican National Convention, First Night. Imagine a convention where two of the most prominent first night speakers …

Joe Is Very Much Awake

Joe Biden Acceptance Speech, August 20, 2020. Democratic National Convention, Fourth Night. After thirty-two years of trying Joe Biden accepted at last his party’s nomination for president. He did so …

Head of the Class

Speech by Jill Biden, August 18, 2020. Democratic National Convention, Second Night. As a format, the convention speech for a would-be First Lady generally confines the speechwriter and speaker to …

Obama to Bentsen to Fierce

After a long montage of video remarks, roundtables, songs, and super cuts that felt like the ton of previews and ads one sees at movie theaters, the first virtual political …