Speaking Coaching for Speechwriters

How to help your clients deliver speeches worthy of your scripts.


Richard Newman

How many times have you watched your speaker turn a script that sizzles into a speech that fizzles?

In this 90-minute session, legendary speaking coach Richard Newman will teach you how to make your clients ready to perform, every time, so that your words have the impact they deserve.

You will learn:

  • Priming. Discover how to ensure a speaker gets the results they deserve at important events, by switching their mind into a peak state when they need to perform at their best.
  • Triggers. Develop simple triggers that your clients can use before speeches, to get “in the zone.”
  • Defying the demons. Learn how to overcome nagging doubts and worries that can hold a speaker back, by overriding them with peak mindset techniques.
  •  Actions. How we hold ourselves, how we breathe, and what we focus on can all transform the impact of a speech. Learn how your clients can feel calm, confident, and in control, able to be the best version of themselves.

INSTRUCTOR: Richard Newman is the founder of Body Talk Training, which teaches leaders communication skills. He is the author of the best-selling book, You Were Born to Speak.



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Format: This is a 90-minute webinar.