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In opening remarks, speaker thanks speechwriter!

Speaker thanks speechwriter in opening remarks. (But did the speechwriter write the opening remarks?) At the outset of an ambitious Jan. 29 speech on putting “fraternity” back into politics, U.K. Minister of Parliament Jon Cruddas thanked the usual people: The event organizers, key Labour Party colleagues, etc. And then he thanked his speechwriter!

And these ideas also owe something to Danny Kruger who has made a major contribution to the speech. … In a former life Danny wrote speeches for David Cameron and gave him some of his best lines—including the ones parodied as “hug a hoodie.” I share Danny’s belief that what’s missing in our politics is the idea of fraternity. We hear a lot about liberty and equality but not the third idea—what holds people and society together.

This speech is a plea to put fraternity back into our politics …

I can’t say I’ve ever seen that before. And honestly, it didn’t seem too terribly awkward. And ironically, thanking the speechwriter for his help and openly signaling the meeting of their minds, actually strengthens Cruddas’ claim to authorship.

Speechwriter, what do you think? Weigh in! —DM

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