The 2024 Executive Communication Awards program is now closed. Winners will be announced the week of June 10th. To be notified of the 2025 program call for entries in February, please submit your name and email here. Thank you.

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Executive Communication Awards Entry Form

Entry fee is $395 per category

What challenge was it created to address? Or what opportunity was it designed to capitalize on? Please enter no more than 300 words.

What approaches did you consider, and how did you arrive at the solution you chose? Please enter no more than 300 words.

Tell us how this project supported your overall business strategy? Please enter no more than 300 words.

Describe the tactics used to support your strategy and the audience and channels targeted. Please enter no more than 300 words.

Identify your programโ€™s achievements within the organization, listing qualitative results or quantitative metricsโ€”or both. Please enter no more than 250 words

List lessons learned that you would be willing to share with others. Please enter no more than 300 words.

Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.

If you wish to share videos or graphics with the judges, please provide links within a Word document or PDF.

Please include the names that should appear on the certificate if selected as a winner.


To submit additional entries, first add to cart, then complete new entry.